Installments Page

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Get what you want, sooner

You don’t have enough cash and you would like to purchase an item and pay in monthly installments?

Get product financing quickly and easily through Aspira.

  1. Fill the contact form.
  2. Choose the product you are interested in.
  3. Select your income status and consent to this form.
  4. Click on ‘Show Interest’
  5. You will receive feedback via call from a Vivid Gold Sales Consultant on your product financing interest.



  1. Initial Stage: You will be required to be alert with your mobile phone or email to receive an OTP which you must resend to the Vivid Gold Sales Consultant in contact with you. This is to validate your phone number or email address.
  2. Assessment Stage: You may get a low credit score during the Quick Credit Score initial stage. In this stage, KYC (Know Your Customer) documents will be requested to re-assess your credit score and issue you a more favorable credit limit. These KYC documents include:
  • Mobile Money Statements (3 Months)
  • PaySlip (Employed – 3 Months)
  • Bank Statement (Self Employed – 3 Months)



When you know what you want and we have the requested KYC documents sent to us (via email / what’s app),

  • The approval / rejection time: 3-5 minutes
  • Onboarding time: 5-7 minutes
  • Making down-payment and signing contract time: 5-7 minutes
  • Within 30 minutes or less, you take home your preferred product or we deliver your preferred product, same day to your preferred delivery address.
  • Enjoy the product as you pay your monthly installments.


"*" indicates required fields

Income status?*